Plugin Tag: iframe
Youtube Playlist Thumbs
(12 total ratings)Use the [ypt playlist_id=] shortcode to show a Youtube playlist with side thumbnails. Playlist videos can be triggered by links in page content.
Pass URL Parameters to Embedded iFrame
(0 total ratings)Pass URL parameters from the embedded page URL to iframe source URL.
Simple Iframe Buster
(2 total ratings)Provides a method of setting the X-Frame-Options header to SAMEORIGIN. Also enqueues a javascript based iframe blocker.
Inline frame – Iframe
(0 total ratings)Simple Iframe to embed webpages and external web content in wordpress. Since WordPress removes iframe when you switch from "HTML" to "V …
Break Out of Frames
(8 total ratings)This Framebreaker will Avoid your blog being framed by some other web site and good for wallpaper blog to increase traffic.
UltraEmbed – Advanced Iframe Plugin For WordPress with Gutenberg Block Included
(0 total ratings)UltraEmbed (Advanced Iframe For WordPress) is a plugin that allows you to embed iframe in your WordPress website.
Responsive oEmbed
(3 total ratings)Makes oEmbed elements with fixed aspect ratio (like YouTube, Vimeo or SoundCloud) scale responsively.
Fluidvids for WordPress
(2 total ratings)Standalone JavaScript for fluid YouTube/Vimeo iframe embeds. Easily add additional video players and selectors in the settings.
Free Responsive iframe Video Embeds
(1 total ratings)Use the [iplayerhd] shortcode to easily add responsive iframe-based video embeds to your website (YouTube, Vimeo, iPlayerHD and more…)
iframe Wrapper
(0 total ratings)A small little plugin to embed an auto resizing iframe into a WordPress page or post.
Pym.js Embeds
(0 total ratings)A WordPress block and shortcode for embedding iframes that are responsive horizontally and vertically, using the NPR Visuals Team's Pym.js.
Responsive iframe GoogleMap
(0 total ratings)Responsive friendly free GoogleMap embedder using shortcode.
Custom IFrame Widget
(0 total ratings)A Custom IFrame Widget, You can use it in page, post or in widget
Strx Youtube Embed Widget
(0 total ratings)Strx Youtube Embed Widget lets you embed youtube videos on sidebars enabled sites simply pasting Youtube URLs
Smart YouTube and Twitch Embed
(1 total ratings)Easily embed responsive lazy loading YouTube/twitch videos, playlists, and channels using shortcodes. Also add a secondary fallback video for when vid …
iframe to embed
(0 total ratings)Embeds are needed to embed video from youtube or to embed Google Map or just to embed content from external page.
- video embedding
(0 total ratings)This plugin enables oEmbed links, and adds shortcodes to easily embed videos hosted on
Disable Lazy Loading for IFRAMES
(0 total ratings)A small plugin to quickly disable the lazy loading for iframes in WordPress 5.7 and beyond.
TinyWebGallery wrapper
(1 total ratings)This plugin includes TinyWebGallery as shortcode in an advanced iframe and offers a TWG random image widget.